The Lachhmangarh fort attracts the attention of one and all because of its design and architecture. It is built on a hill, which is 300 feet (approx) high and spread over a huge area. The fort is built on scattered pieces of huge rock. According to eminent historian, Sumer Singh Shekhawat of Sikar, the stones used in this fort are heavy, strong and slippery. There are black and white spots on them. Such stones are found in only two places in Rajasthan- one in Donngri of Syanan and Doongri of Gopalpura. Another key aspect of these stones is that it can not be broken by a chisel or hammer.

The walls of the area inside the fort is made up of 23 minarets. This is an architectural marvel, which you would not find anywhere else. Its length and width are 4 feet and 20 feet respectively. These strong minarets have discouraged many attackers in the past.The architects of the fort have used this small place in a very effective and accomplished way. There are six massive 25 feet deepwater tanks built inside the fort. They were constructed as water reservoirs during war times. There are tunnels in the fort, which serves as passage to move out safely during an attack.  

The architects of the fort were Jats from Harsh. They were responsible for making this solid and eye-catching fort. They were assisted by the Chajera family of Khandela. This fort was very important in terms of safety and security. The main gate had been built in such a manner that it could endure any enemy attack. The gate which opens to the north- eastern side is hidden by huge columns and could not be attacked easily. The main gate was designed in a ‘Gomukh’ style which is almost unbreakable. Moreover, iron nails have been used on the doors of the gates. It is said that these doors were brought in from Khetdi. After climbing 23 stairs, the Main entrance to the fort comes . It is called the ‘Singhdwaar’ (foremost gate), Another 47 stairs take you inside the fortress. The fort also has two exquisite ‘Jharokas’.

In a nutshell, the fort of Lachhmangarh was constructed in a distinct way. One would not find a fort like this in this region. It is situated in the lap of the Shekhawati region and has gained the praise of a number of tourists. Naturally, the locals feel proud of their heritage.

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Laxmangarh Fort

The Lachhmangarh fort was purchased by Mr. Ram Niwasji Jhunjhunwala’s family. Since then the family has been responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the fort.The fort is a private property of the family and is not open for the public.

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Lachhmangarh Fort Pvt. Ltd.
Lachhmangarh Fort, Lachhmangarh, District Sikar, Rajasthan, India